I knew I was having a great time on my trip to Minnesota last month. The MERLOT 2008 conference in Minneapolis was excellent; my presentation was well received, and I brought back a lot of promising ideas about "blended learning" to try out on my Classical Mythology students this semester. I got to spend a fair amount of time in Winona, as well. Finally, I managed to take a few locomotive pictures here and there.
However, it's only now starting to dawn on me what a great time I had. As much as I missed my beloved wife and our puppy dogs (by the way, Anubis is starting to be Lisa's dog too), it was fun to be by my own bad self - driving around the old family stomping grounds or walking the streets of downtown Minneapolis, or listening to other computer nerds talk about teaching people stuff. I'm glad to be back home, too, with Lisa and the pupsters. I'm happy to be back teaching again. Even so, I believe a certain part of my heart is still there in Winona: probably always has been, probably always will be.
Here are a couple of pictures of the Highway 43 Bridge between Winona and Trempealeau County, WI, which was temporarily closed for repairs this summer. The first picture was taken from Levee Park in Winona; the second is looking due north as you enter the bridge from the Winona side. Enjoy!

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