The years of 1898 and 1899 brought a whirlwind of union activity to Winona. Spearheaded by local organizer George Hess, Winona boasted fourteen organized trades by mid-1899. One of these newly organized union affiliates was Boilermakers and Helpers' "Gate City" Lodges 201 and 28, as seen in this picture. The banner proudly proclaims the lodges' names and the herald of the C&NW, and American flags are distributed liberally on and around the banner. I would guess that the men closest to the banner - who are also holding little hammers - are the lodge officials. The man in the suit could very well be George Hess himself. At first I thought this picture was taken on C&NW property, deep in the Winona Shops. But the buildings in the background are too ornate to be shop buildings (two of which survive in Winona, by the way). And the building at right is definitely not the 1880 C&NW railroad station, which had a much higher roof. Perhaps it was taken somewhere on West Second Street close to a place where liquid refreshments could be served?
Unlike most railroad presidents of his time, Marvin Hughlitt believed in paying his employees a fair salary, instead of trying to get the most work for the least money. He had no problems with his employees belonging to unions, as long as they kept doing their jobs. This was quite likely the reason why the C&NW encountered far less labor trouble than most other American railroads at that time. Certainly the men posing in their overalls are proud of their work, their union, their railroad, and their country.
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